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A. be rejected temporarily B. have a decent history of use

C. be included in the dictionary D. stand the test of time

61. Which of the following is NOT a necessary step of the new word inclusion process?

A. Researching the word. B. Drafting the entry.

C. Consulting users. D. Sourcing new words.

62. What is the purpose of presenting this graph?

A. To encourage people to use the online database.

B. To respond to people’s request about the word inclusion process.

C. To promote the new version of dictionary.

D. To inform people of the new words to be included in the dictionary.


People are familiar with the phrase --- which almost completes itself --- midlife crisis. It’s the stage in the middle of the journey when people feel youth vanishing, their prospects narrowing and death roaching.

Sounds like a cliché(套话), but there’s only one problem with it --- it isn’t true.

“Virtually, there is almost no solid evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago,” Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined. The bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift “can be exciting, rather than terrifying.”

Barbara Hagerty looks at some of the features of people who turn midlife into a rebirth. They break routines, because “autopilot is death.” They choose purpose over hiness—having a clear sense of purpose even reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They give priority to relationships, as careers often withdraw.

Life Reimagined paints a picture of middle age that is far from gloomy. Midlife seems like the second big phase of decision-making. Your identity has been formed; you’ve built up your resources; and now you have the chance to take the big risks precisely because your foundation is already secure.

Karl Barth described midlife precisely this way. At middle age, he wrote, “the sowing is behind; now is the time to harvest. The run has been taken; now is the time to leap. Preparation has been made; now is the time for the venture of the work itself.”

The middle-aged person, Barth continued, can see death in the distance, but moves with a “measured hurry” to get big new things done while there is still time.

Although it was decades ago, what Barth wrote makes even more sense in modern days. People are healthy and energetic longer. We have presidential candidates running for their first term in office at age 68, 69 and 74. A longer lifespan is changing the narrative structure of life itself. What could have been considered the beginning of a decent is now a potential turning point, the turning point you are most equipped to take full advantage of.

63. From the author’s perspective, the phrase“midlife crisis” actually __________

A. has given rise to a lot of debate. B. misrepresents real life.

C. is no longer fashionable. D. is widely acknowledged.

64. How does Barbara Hagerty view midlife?

A. It can be a new phase of one’s life. B. It may be the beginning of a crisis.

C. It can be terrifying for the unprepared. D. It may see old-age disease roaching.

65. In the book Life Reimagined, midlife is pictured as something that __________

A. can be quite promising. B. can be burdensome.

C. undergoes dramatic transformation. D. makes for the best part of one’s life.

66. What does the author suggest as to contemporary midlife?

A. It is more meaningful than other stages of life.

B. It is likely to change the narrative of one’s life.

C. It is likely to be a critical turning point in one’s life.

D. It is more important to those with a longer lifespan.

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A. It is unlike anything you would buy for yourself.

B. However, shoppers should remember this is a privilege, not a right.

C. Unfortunately, the law does not explain what is meant by “reasonable”.

D. All you can do is exchange it after your friend or relative has gone home.

E. Either the thing has to be broken or unsuitable for the job it was intended to do.

F. You should make clear what your legal position is before returning goods to the shops.

We all regard receiving presents as a pleasant experience and yet it can be one of the most awkward situations. It is often difficult to look pleased when you receive a gift which is entirely useless or the wrong size.

___67___ However, you have no right to change an article purchased just because it does not fit or is not to your liking. Worse still, the agreement on the sale is between the person who bought it and the shop.

So you will have to tell your favorite aunt that the T-shirt does not fit. But an exchange is not always that simple because there has to be a good reason for it. ___68___ For example, if the buyer was told that a switch was voice operated and later found out it was not, then action could be taken. You would have the right to return it and get the money back.

But if you are returning something, no matter what the reason is, you will be expected to have proof of purchase. If the receipt cannot be found, then it is possible to use another proof of purchase such as a credit card receipt. If all of these have been lost, you may have to rely on a witness.

Many big stores have a much more tolerant policy towards returns and see it as a gesture of goodwill to exchange goods without question. Stores including Marks & Spencer are well known for their “no argument” policy on returned goods. ___69___

So if a shop refuses to exchange the goods or to offer a refund, the seller is likely to be within his legal rights unless there is something wrong with the goods. In that case, the boot is on the other foot. You have every right to demand a cash refund or a replacement, but only if you have returned it within a “reasonable” time.

___70___ Some shops and stores expect things to be returned within a week of purchase, while others may permit a much longer time limit. In any case if you return a thing after what is considered a “reasonable” time, then all you are legally entitled to is the cost of repair.

IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

The school that is changing American education

Two years ago, I visited a school in Brooklyn called P-TECH, the Pathways in Technology early college high school, which seemed very much like the future of education to me. It knitted together educators and job creators, giving kids not only a high school degree, but a two-year associate degree and a job guarantee at one of the country’s top blue-chip firms, IBM.

The last great national leap forward in secondary education was during the post W.W.II period, when state governments decided that high school education, previously optional, should be compulsory in order to ensure the kind of skilled workforce needed to compete in a new, higher tech industrial era. Now, many leaders---including the President, the education Secretary, scores of blue-chip CEOs and executives, and most top educators---believe we’re once again at such a turning point. When it comes to high school, an increasing number of them buy into the idea that not only should educators and job creators be much more closely connected, but that as Stanley Litow, the IBM executive behind the program puts it, “six should be the new four.” The push for all American kids to have a post high school future, like Tennessee governor Haslam’s recent calls for two years of free community college for every student in the state, seems to come almost daily.

The statistics support it. A four-year high school degree these days only guarantees a $15 an hour future. According to projections by the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University, the U.S. economy will create some 47-million job openings in the decade ending 2018, but nearly two-thirds will require some post secondary education. The Center projects that only 36% of American jobs will be filled by people with only a 4-year high school degree---half of what that number was in the 1970s. What’s more, the cost of not trading up educationally could be disastrous---workers with an associate degree will earn 73% more than those with only a high school diploma.

第 II 卷(共40分)

I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 韩梅总是在乎他人的评价。(tend)

2. 考试中出现的问题有助于我们学习的进步。(contribute)

3. 据估计已有超过百分之九十的民众尝试过网购或移动支付。(It)

4. 有消息说这家店由于商品质量问题已经是门可罗雀,经营惨淡。(Word)

II. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

你是Jerry,你的好友Tom下决心减肥,并为自己制订了一个减肥计划(见下表), 希望你给他一点意见。请写信告诉他你的看法和建议。(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好)



1. 不吃早餐;

2. 午餐吃少量肉类,多吃蔬菜和水果;

3. 晚餐只吃蔬菜和水果

1. 早上跑步30分钟;

2. 下午打球1小时;

3. 晚上游泳一小时


1. 计划中值得肯定和不足的地方

2. 你的理由

3. 你的建议

Dear Tom,

I’m so glad to hear that you finally determine to lose weight…




21. sent 22. Having worked 23. who 24. because of / due to 25. presented 26. before 27. could 28. to deliver 29. himself 30. the most romantic

31. E 32. A 33. K 34. H 35. F 36. C 37. I 38. D 39. B

41---45 CABCA 46---50 BCDCA 51---55 DBBAC

56. C 57. B 58. C 59. A

60. A 61. C 62. B

63. B 64. A 65. A 66. C

67. D 68. E 69. B 70. C

1. Han Mei tends to care for others’ comment.

2. The problems that have eared in the exam contribute to our progress in the study.

3. It is estimated that more than 90% citizens have tried shopping online or paying with mobile devices.

4. Word came that few customers frequented the shop due to the issue of poor quality goods and it was managed badly.





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